
Clone the Next Js project for more overview.

Follow the folowing steps to clone the Next.js project into your local environment and check the working of the code.

To get stated first clone the repository using the following command

git clone

After cloning navigate into the project directory using the following command

cd nextjs-qrcode-example

Now install all the dependencies of the project using the following command

npm install

Make sure that this projects uses the lastest version of Next.js with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.

Now create the .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following line to it


After adding the .env file navigate to the scr/app/page.tsx file and change the ammount variable with your desired amount. Also you can check the working code in src/app/components/QRCode.tsx file.

Now start the development server using the following command

npm run dev

That's All! 😉